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I Am In Love With You.

Most people don't stay to read a post to the middle not to talk of reading it to the end, but this post is for you and to tell you how you have made me feel all this time coming.
Its is true that when I started blogging I had a lot of things in and on my mind to talk about and to talk with you. But I as I go seeking ideas on how to make the most of it and keep you next to me(which I am still learning), I was told so many things, some good enough to make one give up, others didn't fail to make me see that they are in support of what I am doing and then you came along. Yes YOU!
 You reading this now.
When I stayed up most night to source for news, and to blog, I didn't do it only because I love to but also because you are waiting for me at the other side to read what I found interesting and what may be news to you.
Divers ways which you have all shown to care, like when I got a call from a friend the other day who told me he reads his news every day from my postings , this got me all fired up to do more even with the effects of constant looking at the computer screen for too long while another make me know he hasn't read a post from me and ask if I was ok. I derived joy knowing that you are there always waiting for us to have our quality chats of agreements, constructive criticism, or disagreement(wink).
Although, blogging has its perks as well as hmmm..., but I am grateful for each experience, learning has a whole lot of dimension and when one set his/her mind at it, it keeps you informed and reformed. what most don't know is that this blog site is also where you can do one or all of the following:

1. Air your opinion/ideas by writing on each or any of the post that is of interest to you.  These post are news that happens in our environment and history has shown that most change in the world was as a result of WORDS!, whether spoken or written, so i implore you to make your voice heard by writing your comment in the comment box.

2. Give your expression with the icons display at the end of each post. For those who have few words but lots of expression, the expression buttons is at the end of each post, you can expression how you feel and get your opinion heard in that manner.

3. Like the page or share the post. You have the power so use it                                                                                                                  

4. Send us an e-mail ro let us know how to serve you better , you are also encourage to share with us your story or question.

 To my friends before i started blogging, and those I got during blogging and those I am still to be friends with, I love you , the brightness of each page is the extent of your light when you read and comment and its(post) coverage is the power of your love, Each day I want you to know that YOU ARE THE STAR.
I want to show my sincere appreciation to my friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media. My heart also goes to those who visited
I am not ashamed to tell the world I am in love with you.


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