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North Korea Fires Rocket Despite Warnings

North Korea has fired a long-range rocket which critics said is a test of banned missile technology. A state TV said North Korea had successfully placed a satellite in orbit.
The launch was condemned by Japan, South Korea and the United States who have requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council later on Sunday, the BBC reports.
South Korea said it is to begin discussing with the U.S, the deployment of a missile defence system.
Senior defence official, Ryu Je-Seung, said if the THAAD missile system – considered one of the most advanced in the world – is deployed it would be only to counter the threat from the North
In a statement, the North Korean National Aerospace Development Administration, said earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 had entered orbit about 10 minutes after lift-off from the Sohae space centre in North Phyongan province.
Announcing the launch on state TV, a newsreader said it had been ordered by North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un and said the country planned to launch more satellites in future.
The Nation  


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